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Upgrade Your Lifestyle With These Healthy Breakfast Foods for Every Morning!

Most of us dread waking up in the morning for all the right reasons. However, once we’re out of bed and all set for the first meal of the day, half of us skip the idea of having breakfast, while the other half consume unhealthy breakfast foods to start their day. This practice is old and does no good to anyone. You’ve most probably heard ‘Breakfast is the most important meal of the day’ at least once in your life.

It’s one of the most practiced beliefs in the world. If you don’t want to end up with low blood sugar and intense brain fog in the upcoming years, do the right breakfast. Don’t soak up on unhealthy foods, instead treat your body well by starting your day with a nutritious meal.

A full and healthy meal to start your day is all you need to cut down on your mid-night snack cravings as well. You might as well enjoy it while catching your favorite morning show. AT&T Entertainment TV is the only friend you need while having breakfast. Watch your favorite morning shows with a nutritious breakfast meal!

We know coming up with delicious and nutritious breakfast meals can be a challenge for those who don’t do breakfast or want to start healthy, but luckily you’ve come to the right place! For your ease, we’ve listed down the best fulfilling foods to consume every morning for a better and healthier lifestyle.

  • Eggs

These are a breakfast classic. A well-balanced meal for breakfast should definitely include eggs. They’re not only delicious and healthy, but they’re incredibly filling as well. Eggs contain protein and specific antioxidants that boost the immune system and reduces eye disorders and heart disease risks. The best thing about eggs is that it maintains blood sugar, reduces calorie intake, and doesn’t boost cholesterol levels despite being high in cholesterol.

  • Coffee

Most studies show that antioxidants found in coffee are healthy for the body. Coffee in any form reduces inflammation, maintains weight, reduces diabetes, reduces liver disease risk, and protects the blood vessels. Unsweetened tea or black coffee has zero calories, making it the perfect beverage to start your day with.  You’ll be in a much better mood, perform better, and have amazing metabolism.

If you’re short on time, you can always grab a skim latte on the go. It has milk and coffee, which means double the benefits! More protein, more calcium, more potassium, and more energy! Don’t soak up on flavored syrups.

  • Avocados

If you’re listing foods that offer a power boost, you cannot leave avocados off the list. Avocados are a powerful source of dietary fiber, water, and healthy fats. Not only will you feel full and energetic throughout the day, but you’re also less likely to overeat throughout the day.

The best form of avocado for breakfast comes as avocado toast. It’s packed with high minerals, unsaturated fats, and Vitamin B which helps reduce heart-related risks, diabetes, and cancers.

  • Oatmeal

If you’re a cereal lover, you’re definitely going to love oatmeal as a breakfast meal in the morning. Oatmeal is made of a fiber known as oat beta-glucan which reduces cholesterol, fills the stomach, and decreases heart disease risk. It’s important to note that people suffering from gluten sensitivity or celiac disease should carefully opt for gluten-free oats.

One of the major reasons oats is the best food to consume as a breakfast meal is its nutritious content. It’s packed with calcium, iron, magnesium, B-vitamins, plant-based protein, and fiber! If you’re looking for a way to boost your immune system and maintain your cholesterol levels, go for a healthy whole-grain breakfast.

The best way to gain maximum protein from an oatmeal breakfast is by having oats with milk and a side of eggs.

  • Seeds

Sunflower, pumpkin, chia, sesame, the list goes on and on for the ever-healthy seeds that should be a part of your breakfast meal every morning. Don’t worry, no one asking you to consume seeds normally, although you can, you should add them to baked goods, smoothies, and puddings to enjoy the taste and gain all the health benefits at the same time!

Seeds are power-packed with minerals like magnesium, calcium, iron, and zinc which promote healthy immunity, reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and reduce the risk of a blood sugar spike. They also reduce inflammation, making it the go-to breakfast choice for everyone!

  • Nuts

If you’re looking for satisfying, tasty, and nutritious, nuts are your go-to! They maintain weight gain, they’re filling, and they reduce inflammation and decrease heart disease risks. Having high levels of potassium, magnesium, and unsaturated fats, nuts are the best way to control cholesterol levels and blood sugar.

Nut butter is a popular trend nowadays for a healthier lifestyle. Go for nut butter made purely from salt and nuts. You can also travel with a few nut-based bars to eat on the go. Just make sure they’re made from pure nuts.

  • Protein shakes

A smoothie or a healthy protein shake is a great way to start your day! You can find several kinds of protein powders in stores that include eggs, whey, soy, etc. Whey protein specifically, is a power-packed protein that reduces appetite and maintains calorie intake. The last thing you want early in the morning is a sugar spike.

Make sure to use greens, seeds, fruits, or nut butter to make the tastiest protein shake to compress your hunger, fill you up, and satisfy your nutritious cravings.

The Final Takeaway

Eating breakfast is a personal choice since many of us grow up and get busy with other tasks that we don’t pay attention to the most important meal of the day. Regardless of what we’ve heard as kids, skipping breakfast isn’t extremely harmful, however, it does affect your diet and day. You want to make sure you start your day the right way by consuming the healthy breakfast foods we talked about!

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